Latest fatberg news

Two "giant" fatbergs were removed last week from the sewers of St. Andrews, Scotland, reports the BBC. 20 tonnes (22 tons) of congealed grease, sewage and toilet paper had to be broken down, and Fife authorities embarked upon an educational campaign to get locals to stop pouring cooking fat down the drain. — Read the rest

Video: Abrupt contrast between Kevin McCarthy's view on Trump speaking at CPAC and Liz Cheney's

Former disgraced President Trump is planning to speak at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) this weekend, to presumably spread more lies about his losing the election, his taxes, Joe Biden, two impeachme…goddammit…we all KNOW what he's going to lie about. But watch this concise illustration showing the division within the Republican Party. — Read the rest

Raytracing with MySQL

Raytracing is a method for drawing scenes by modeling beams of light, illuminating and richocheting off objects. It's realistic but very slow, and only the newest and most expensive video cards [Amazon] introduce it to realtime games. MySQL is the most commonplace relational database, the sewer containing all the web's fatbergs, the last thing on earth you'd use for number-crunching graphics. — Read the rest

Condom-clogged sewer pipe leads police to massage parlor

After "hundreds of condoms" were found clogging a sewer pipe in Austin, Texas, police realized that illegal sex may be afoot. A nearby massage parlor was subsequently busted.

Austin police then launched their probe that culminated in a raid about six weeks later where a woman who co-managed the business "was found in a massage room with a completely nude and uncovered male," the document said.

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