What is the mysterious creature banging on this family's door every night? (video)

Carol Dillin of Oklahoma City and her family haven't been getting much sleep due to a mysterious flying creature that keeps banging on their back porch door every night. Video below. Dillin has kept all the lights off, posted a skeleton scarecrow on her porch, installed two owl statues to frighten off the interloper, applied bug spray, and even blocked her door with a cabinet and pillows. — Read the rest

Celebrating the 35th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation with mixed-media meme art

Andrew Wodzianski is a DC-area artist whose work often riffs off of nerdy pop cultural touchstones and ephemera. His pieces make references to comic books, 8-bit video games, monster movies, and tabletop gaming.

To celebrate the 35th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation, September 28, 1987, he created pieces of meme-styled art that draw inspiration from the Star Trek coloring books and ship blueprints of his youth. — Read the rest

Jails are replacing family visits with video chat

Jails around the country are replacing in-person visits with "video visitations," which means kids, parents,  and spouses of inmates won't be able to see each other in real life, only through a small video monitor. This depressing photo is from GTL, who provides video-visitation services to prisons.

Jugaad: India's duct-tape ingenuity

Dave sez, "I'm an American who blogs about life in New Delhi. I recently published an essay about 'jugaad': the semi-untranslatable practice and philosophy of jerry-rigging that is one of the prides of India. Once you look for jugaad in India, you see it everywhere: water pumps converted into cars, wrappers converted into rope, and so on. — Read the rest