Spamigation: automated litigation

Brad Templeton has coined "Spamigation" for spam litigation, lawsuits that are automated by computers, noting that while suing people can be readily automated so that it's possible to sue millions, legal defenses are much harder to automate.

This means that while it's possible to sue millions, it's impossible for millions to defend against those lawsuits. — Read the rest

Commodore Amiga playing-cards

These retro-tech playing cards feature images from the sadly departed Commodore Amiga personal computer, a dead media competitor to Windows and Mac OS machines from the GUI Cambrian Era. I owned an Amiga 1000 in 1984 1985, which was a stupendously promising, but underperforming, piece of shit. — Read the rest

Andy Warhol and the Commodore Amiga 1000 has uncovered and posted a fascinating mid-'80s interview from Amigaworld magazine in which Andy Warhol discusses his relationship with his Commodore Amiga 1000, his experiments using it in portrait pieces of Debbie Harry and Dolly Parton, and his predictions about the future of computer art. — Read the rest

HP covers printer's USB port with warning sticker to make sure you don't go right ahead and use it

HP wants you to print things through its cloud service, wherein you pay a subscription fee for ink and your usage is routed through its servers. To encourage you to do this, it covers the USB port on one model with a sticker with a No Smoking-style "No USB" logo on it–lest you simply plug in your printer and start printing things with it before you've endured the hard sell via network setup. — Read the rest