Republicans Watch new Fox ad that shames hypocrite Kevin McCarthy: "Clean up your own House" Carla Sinclair
transparency The Catholic Church broke its promise to publish a list of "credibly accused" abuser priests, so Propublica did it for them Cory Doctorow
politics Here's the winner of Integrity Idol, the reality show for Nigerian government workers Andrea James
surveillance When Las Vegas cops put on bodycams, they used 37% less force and generated 30% fewer complaints Cory Doctorow
Boing Boing Gadgets Your productivity can increase tenfold with this AI-powered app! Boing Boing's Shop
politics Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigns over attempted Trump assassination Rob Beschizza
mistakes Home builder Taylor Morrison wants home inspector banned from posting about its shoddy work Rob Beschizza
boeing Boeing to plead guilty to criminal fraud over 737 crashes and pay itty bitty fine Rob Beschizza
china Milwaukee Tool company sued over Chinese prisoners allegedly making its branded gloves Rob Beschizza