politics DeSmog is the antidote to disinformation about climate, energy, and environmental issues Jennifer Sandlin
china Lobbyist on Fox claims NYC air pollution from wildfires is harmless: "There's nothing in them." Mark Frauenfelder
aviation The EPA has released the first ever pollution regulations for airplanes…but they don't do anything. Thom Dunn
los angeles Buzzkill alert: The thousands of illegal fireworks over L.A. cause air pollution Rusty Blazenhoff
Entertainment Conspiracy Theory Rock: The SNL cartoon that may or may not have been banned Ruben Bolling
1970s "Everything Has A History" explores Parker Brothers' 1971 toy, the "Johnny Horizon Environmental Test Kit" Jennifer Sandlin
COVID-19 Use this website to find a hotel room with a balcony or functioning windows Jennifer Sandlin
capitalism "Discard Studies" argues that "social, political, and economic systems maintain power by discarding certain people, places, and things" Jennifer Sandlin
capitalism "Wastiary: A Bestiary of Waste" is a free ebook of critical essays and artwork about capitalism and consumerism Jennifer Sandlin
Science The Anthropocene Working Group has chosen Crawford Lake as a "golden spike" that can help scientists understand this new geological epoch Jennifer Sandlin
climate change New Belgium Brewing tackles carbon emissions by ditching gas for electric heat-pump boilers Thom Dunn
social justice Clean Air Club donates air purifiers to Chicago music and arts venues to make them more accessible Jennifer Sandlin