books New rare book catalogue features a Soviet Space Race picture book with backyard-built rocket Rebecca Romney
politics Count the "Easter Eggs" in the background of Elizabeth Warren's DNC speech last night David Pescovitz
Technology YouTube bans 6 channels for hate speech, white supremacists Stefan Molyneux, David Duke, and Richard Spencer among them Xeni Jardin
monopolism Share prices slide as DOJ announces sweeping antitrust investigations of Big Tech Cory Doctorow
youtube Google and YouTube executives ignored warnings on toxic video content, now we're all paying the price Xeni Jardin
happy mutants See you tonight at Powell's, Portland! (then Seattle, Bellingham, Vancouver…) (!) Cory Doctorow
politics U.S. internet giants ask Trump to support encryption, net neutrality, and reform domestic surveillance Xeni Jardin
NSFW Dirty! Dirty! Dirty!: Of Playboys, Pigs, and Penthouse Paupers: exclusive excerpt Mark Frauenfelder
politics The YouTube videos of Arizona shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner, with full text transcripts Xeni Jardin