Boing Boing Gadgets Give your home a serious revamp with this color-changing LED floor lamp Boing Boing's Shop
Finger stuck in a bottle, escaped pet alligator, and other inappropriate calls for an ambulance Allan Rose Hill
Boing Boing Gadgets Want the easiest 2025 home refresh? Add this LED floor lamp to the mix Boing Boing's Shop
Comics Rare Nazi horror bondage comic from 1944 already fetching $110,000 at auction Ellsworth Toohey
law Manslaughter conviction for cop who tased and killed 95-year-old woman with dementia Rob Beschizza
music Art-pop band "The Dream Eaters" creates dark and funny earworms that are perfect for these difficult times Jennifer Sandlin
mistakes Man with fresh, bleeding hair transplant arrested after refusing to leave plane Rob Beschizza
Boing Boing Gadgets Get the cheap seats—and use 50x zoom to see artists from Billie Eilish to Billy Joel up close Boing Boing's Shop