georgia Tennessee lawmaker arrested after hit and run — and his sobriety test "leaked" (in more ways than one!) Carla Sinclair
black bears into gummy bears Bear raids a candy store, while gawkers unintentionally block the exit door (video) Carla Sinclair
Comedy relief Angry MAGA Congressman is upstaged by his hilarious 6-year-old son (video) Carla Sinclair
false accusations Kansas man sues MAGA Rep. Tim Burchett for falsely calling him a mass shooter and "illegal alien" on X Carla Sinclair
tennessee Police release dash cam footage of beaver loose in hospital "looking to nom nom a Christmas tree" Jennifer Sandlin
free speech Conservatives upset by After School Satan Club's horrifying plan to teach children about science and rationalism Rob Beschizza
false alarms Man stands with evacuees during bomb scare, unaware it's his own DIY gizmo causing the threat Carla Sinclair
politics Despite the bullying, theft, lying, and hypocrisy, why did MAGA candidate Gabrielle Hanson still lose? Mark Frauenfelder
delightful creatures Black bear takes over a picnic and eats all 10 hamburgers on the grill (video) Carla Sinclair
guns No first amendment right to hold 8×11-inch signs saying "1 KID > ALL THE GUNS" in public seating of Tennessee legislature, says state's attorney general Rob Beschizza
too close to home Republican Tennessee Gov. signs executive order to make it harder to buy guns Carla Sinclair
civil rights We Shall Overcome': Justin Jones and Joan Baez unite in song at airport Rusty Blazenhoff
"sad day for democracy" Rep. explains why two lawmakers were expelled from Tennessee House: "They are 2 young Black men" Carla Sinclair
elementary school shootings Protestors flood the Tennessee Capitol demanding gun control: "Children are dead!" Carla Sinclair