politics Pack your bags: Russia-loving Canadian family's escape from "woke" Canada backfires Mark Frauenfelder
san francisco Little Free Library in San Francisco threatened after an anonymous complaint Rusty Blazenhoff
canada Canadian man's official government health file described him as "redneck hick" David Pescovitz
san francisco San Francisco is spending $1.7 million to build a single public toilet Mark Frauenfelder
india Man overcharged 25 cents for a train ticket in India gets refund after 22-year fight in court Mark Frauenfelder
bureaucracy Man in 4-day standoff with Amazon delivery van that won't leave his property Carla Sinclair
china Why the hell is this street sprinkler truck in China spraying water in flooded street? Mark Frauenfelder
bureaucracy Good samaritan who sprayed park trees to help them heal from dog bites was fined $225 Carla Sinclair
encryption Signal's response to Homeland Security's grand jury subpoena for user data is basically "You get nothing. You lose. Good day, sir" Mark Frauenfelder
bureaucracy San Francisco native Jason Yu spent $200,000 trying to open an ice cream shop, but the city's bureaucracy beat him Mark Frauenfelder
News City claims building park stairs too pricey, later tears out free stairs built by a resident Andrea James
india A club for people whose relatives had them declared dead in order to steal their land Cory Doctorow
california California just launched a "Digital Service" based on the amazing UK Government Digital Service Cory Doctorow