AI G/O Media's first AI-written content is error-strewn plagiarized "dogshit." That's what editors there say, anyway. Rob Beschizza
hard-learned lessons Tourists try to befriend elephant — but end up running for their lives (video) Carla Sinclair
MAGA logic Trump wants to "shoot fake news" reporters for their own good, says his campaign Carla Sinclair
music Dookie Demastered: classic Green Day album in "obscure, obsolete, and inconvenient formats" Rob Beschizza
reproductive rights If Trump wins, say goodbye to IVF: GOP blocks bill to protect in vitro fertilization Carla Sinclair
psychopaths 'Insane': George Conway gaslights Donald Trump with new Psycho PAC ad (video) Carla Sinclair
revenge politics Rep. Raskin sounds alarm on extensive "target list" from Trump's "secretary of retribution" Carla Sinclair