movies How the movie Jaws inspired the creepy Friday the 13th "ki ki ki, ma, ma, ma" sound effect Allan Rose Hill
Baby Got Back Audience member absolutely kills it when joining Sir Mix-A-Lot as he performs "Baby Got Back" with the Seattle Symphony Jennifer Sandlin
boomer solutions Beach town in Finland had a rowdy youth problem — until it blasted classical music Carla Sinclair
music "White Trash Wins Lotto," an insane and insanely clever musical about Axl Rose, now available for free download Ruben Bolling
Gi-bli vs Ji-bli How do you pronounce "Ghibli?" If you're talking about Miyazaki's anime studio, there's only one way (video) Carla Sinclair
Boing Boing Shop Learn to play piano and compose with this $35 online learning bundle Boing Boing's Shop
graphic novels Tyranny and resistance in "Death Strikes," the graphic novel adaptation of a concentration camp opera Gareth Branwyn
the good deeds corp LOS ANGELES: Raise money for voter registration in Texas with Sara Bareilles, March 19th Jason Weisberger
80s music Listen to this terrific analysis of the cowbell in the Yes classic, "Owner of a Lonely Heart" Jennifer Sandlin