consumer rights Judge rules herbal tea purchase doesn't count as damages, personally attacks our entire lifestyle Ellsworth Toohey
Business San Franciscans pay hundreds more for hotel rooms due to location-based price discrimination Ellsworth Toohey
Business Big Potato under fire: how 4 suppliers raised prices in suspicious lockstep Ellsworth Toohey
law How one man's disastrous 1969 Swiss ski holiday created modern tourism consumer protection laws Ellsworth Toohey
politics Hidden fees crackdown leaves billionaires devastated as FTC demands price transparency Ellsworth Toohey
Business Hertz's pattern of customer abuse: 230 false arrests, Tesla gas charges, and now a $10k threat over unlimited miles contract Mark Frauenfelder
cybersecurity 23andMe's meltdown: How to protect your DNA from falling into wrong hands Ellsworth Toohey
Disney After massive public outcry, Disney stops attempt to kill lawsuit after killing restaurant guest Yoy Luadha
Disney Woman dies from allergic reaction at Disneyland, but Disney says husband can't sue because he used Disney+ three years earlier Mark Frauenfelder
News Ted Cruz shills for airlines, claims automatic refunds are "a dumb idea" (Video) Mark Frauenfelder
amazon Amazon argues in court that "guaranteed delivery" doesn't really mean "guaranteed delivery" Mark Frauenfelder
consumer rights Here is what to say for a fat compensation next time a greedy airline bumps you from a flight Carla Sinclair