trumpism Cambridge Analytica's key staffers formed a new company that's working on Trump 2020 Cory Doctorow
Technology Student says University of Washington has threatened to expel him for a course-trading app he built for class project [UPDATED] Mark Frauenfelder
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computers Local council in England to remove apostrophes from road signs because Computer Says No Rob Beschizza
politics "I've got too much self-respect and concern for hygiene," Rep Raskin says no to Trump hotel Mark Frauenfelder
ac/dc Watch 68-year-old AC/DC's Angus Young skip, leap and shred guitar on stage like a schoolboy Mark Frauenfelder
places The Plotz Plot is the first place in the Atlas Obscura database that was created by Atlas Obscura itself Popkin
politics The U.S. government is the top customer when it comes to buying Americans' private data Rob Beschizza
art Artist Connor Gottfried dissects his Gameboy-inspired pieces in an exclusive interview Devin Nealy
security Pentagon employees ignore security protocols to download all kinds of dodgy apps on their government-issued phones David Pescovitz