germany Experience real Austrian Krampuslaufs this winter in a tour hosted by Al Ridenour Rusty Blazenhoff
Who's the boss? Elon Musk looms over Donald Trump in "most powerless image ever" of U.S. president (video) Carla Sinclair
politics Nazi demonstrators waving swastikas flee after fierce confrontation by Cincinnati locals Jason Weisberger
crime Rationalist death cult implicated in deadly shoot-out with border guards and other killings Rob Beschizza
shoddy propaganda machines Trump's new email system blasts 13,000 workers with vulgar message: "Tired of working for a complete c*nt?" Carla Sinclair
gadgets This old dictation gadget was terrible at recording voices. Living ones, that is. Rob Beschizza
drugs FDA approves J&J's patented psychedelic esketamine for depression without requiring you take other antidepressants with it Allan Rose Hill