Tulsi Gabbard Tulsi Gabbard, most-searched candidate during Democratic debates, sues Google Xeni Jardin
happy mutants Speech Police: vital, critical look at the drive to force Big Tech to control who may speak and what they may say Cory Doctorow
Copyfight How #Article13 is like the Inquisition: John Milton Against the EU #CopyrightDirective Ada Palmer
Copyfight On June 20, an EU committee will vote on an apocalyptically stupid, internet-destroying copyright proposal that'll censor everything from Tinder profiles to Wikipedia (SHARE THIS!) Cory Doctorow
free speech Survey: student attitudes about diversity and inclusion vs. free speech are shifting Andrea James
privacy Happy Data Privacy Day! A turning point for anonymity, privacy, and the tools that deliver them Gabriella Coleman
science fiction Bruce Sterling in 1994, talking about crypto backdoors and the future of VR Cory Doctorow
politics Watch Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Tim Kaine, Mike Bloomberg speeches at 2016 DNC (Video) Xeni Jardin
President Obama's tech-centered State of the Union: full text, and digital rights concerns Xeni Jardin
surveillance Edward Snowden's open letter to the people of Brazil, offering help in rooting out NSA spying in exchange for asylum Cory Doctorow
Business Al Jazeera on the copyfight: it's about control over sharing without boundaries or regulations Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Techdirt post about SOPA censored from Google results due to bogus DMCA complaint Cory Doctorow
Culture James Gleick's tour-de-force: The Information, a natural history of information theory Cory Doctorow