happy mutants Four anatomical models you assemble from 132 anatomically correct sub-components Cory Doctorow
Mad MAGA man Donald Trump changes course: vows to deport homeowners who encounter squatters (video) Carla Sinclair
movies Obscure official sues producers of obscure movie over depiction of him as "dismissive, patronising and misogynistic" Rob Beschizza
new york times New York Times article lionizes Kyle Rittenhouse for his "bravery and service" Mark Frauenfelder
Boing Boing Gadgets Teracube is the gutsy new smartphone with a 4-year warranty—and it's under $300 Boing Boing's Shop
happy mutants Samuel Delany's 1977 Star Wars review: why is the future so damned white and male? Cory Doctorow
animation Vintage demo reel from computer graphics firm behind the original Tron lightcycles David Pescovitz
Civlib HOWTO protect your online privacy now that the Senate repealed the Fourth Amendment? Cory Doctorow