electric vehicles Car makers prototyping EVs with fake stick shifts and pretend engine sounds Rusty Blazenhoff
youtube Definitely legitimate scientist promises to enhance your molecules with a "zappy" bulb, only needs $4,750 Ellsworth Toohey
Not-so-amusing amusement parks Man jumps out of moving roller coaster to save his life — and then gets yelled at by negligent ride operator Carla Sinclair
Boing Boing Gadgets This electric toothbrush and water flosser combo is $50 ahead of Black Friday Boing Boing's Shop
Boing Boing Gadgets This powerful all-terrain e-bike conquers city streets and trails at 20mph Boing Boing's Shop
politics MAGA man Mark Robinson wrote that Mein Kampf was a "good read" and "a real eye opener" Rob Beschizza