late stage capitalism California State Senator wants to remake cities with midrises near public transit, but he is facing a wave of nimbyism Cory Doctorow
politics Billionaire tech investors back ballot initiative to purge homeless people from San Francisco Cory Doctorow
News One of Earth's rarest wildflowers is in the crosshairs of a lithium mining juggernaut Mister Dobo
class war Connecticut's racist NIMBYs have used zoning laws and dirty tricks to make it one of the most unequal, racially segregated states in the union Cory Doctorow
gop White supremacy, minus gerrymandering: California GOP reduced to "third party status" Cory Doctorow
Business Wealthy investors are buying Long Beach's old low-rent buildings and evicting everyone, making them homeless Cory Doctorow
Business Restaurant servers can't afford San Francisco rents so restaurants are going self-serve Cory Doctorow