stunning videos Did a whale really "swallow" a kayaker, as AP and other news outlets claim? (video) Carla Sinclair
politics Hegseth forced to quit vet groups due to financial mismanagement, sexual misconduct, and public intoxication, says New Yorker Ellsworth Toohey
Business What are those blue dots on coin cell batteries? The real story behind them Mark Frauenfelder
ghosts Don't mistake green goo and sulfur smells for ghosts, warns electrical safety agency Allan Rose Hill
twitter Elon's pet judge slapped down: Xitter's witch hunt for Media Matters donors put on hold Ellsworth Toohey
guns in america Kentucky sheriff settles heated argument with judge by shooting him dead Carla Sinclair
Tom The Dancing Bug Tom the Dancing Bug: News of the Times – Accused Burglar Incorporates Self Ruben Bolling