footage After killing the mentally ill man she was called to help, cop complains "well, guess I'm losing my gun again" Rob Beschizza
media A cop shot his wife and then killed himself, but you wouldn't know it from this headline Rob Beschizza
police killings Maryland State Police trooper shoots and kills 16-year-old in Leonardtown Rob Beschizza
police brutality Louisville Police are actually trying to fire the cops who killed Breonna Taylor Thom Dunn
News Louisville cops won't be punished for Breonna Taylor death — Protests break out around U.S. Xeni Jardin
Science Mental health of black people harmed by police murders of unarmed black people, says medical research Séamus Bellamy
Los Angeles Sheriff's deputy shoots and kills domestic violence victim who called 911–and it's the second time he's done it Rob Beschizza
politics How cops and politicians neutralized bodycams, whose footage is now routinely kept secret by NYPD and other forces Rob Beschizza