politics Elizabeth Warren profile: portrait of a savvy politician who appeals to working people, and who can get stuff done Cory Doctorow
politics Politicians like it when economists disagree because then they can safely ignore the ones they dislike Cory Doctorow
trumpism Deliberate leaking is a time-honored government tactic that Trump doesn't understand Cory Doctorow
books I Can't Breathe: Matt Taibbi's scorching book on the murder of Eric Garner and the system that let the killers get away with it Cory Doctorow
happy mutants The Women's March and the Judean People's Front: After Occupy, after trumpism, a new networked politics Cory Doctorow
Technology Rogue One: an "engineering ethics" case-study disguised as a Star Wars movie [SPOILERS] Cory Doctorow
Copyfight $40,000/year private school sues school for low-income kids for $2M over "Commonwealth" Cory Doctorow
politics Nixon started the War on Drugs because he couldn't declare war on black people and hippies Cory Doctorow