russiagate Corrupt Ukrainian oligarch, a close associate of Rudy Giuliani and funder of Kevin McCarthy, sentenced to federal prison yesterday Mark Frauenfelder
twitter A federal judge wants to determine once and for all if Trump's tweets are legally binding Thom Dunn
wikileaks Assange lawyers: he was offered a Presidential Pardon if he helped "resolve" the DNC hack Thom Dunn
trump The new bipartisan Senate Intelligence report on Russia's election meddling is utterly damning, and utterly meaningless Thom Dunn
trumpism Air Force veteran Reality Winner is serving 5 years for blowing the whistle on Russian election interference, while Trump's Russia-dealing cronies are going free Cory Doctorow
conspiracy theories A fascinating interview with an artist who designs conspiracy graphics for QAnon and the Deep State Mapping Project Thom Dunn
gop Noam Chomsky takes ten minutes to explain everything you need to know about the Republican Party in 2019 Cory Doctorow
politics Russian dissident warns that the anti-Trump movement's Russian conspiracy theories are a distraction Cory Doctorow