scale comparisons Comparing the sizes of fictional buildings from books, movies, TV, and video games Gareth Branwyn
Space Pluto and other known "not-planets" in our solar system mapped in scale image montage Xeni Jardin
books Read an exclusive excerpt from "An Internet In Your Head: A New Paradigm For How The Brain Works " Thom Dunn
piketty Modern Monetary Theory: the economic basis for expanded social spending and greater shared prosperity Cory Doctorow
Space Visualizing the vast distances of space with a 1-pixel moon in a side-scrolling solar-system Cory Doctorow
star trek Star Trek's USS Enterprise restored and back on display at the Smithsonian Jason Weisberger
movies Interview with Jim Mickle, director of "We Are What We Are," a horror film in the guise of a serious drama Ethan Gilsdorf