Science That city-killing space rock now has even better odds of ruining everyone's day by instantly vaporizing them Ellsworth Toohey
astronomy Asteroid alert: small space rock to crash into Earth's atmosphere in 30 minutes — September 4, 2024 at 16:46 UTC (9:46 AM PDT) Mark Frauenfelder
Science Backyard astronomer captures astonishing video of huge fireball whacking into Jupiter (video) David Pescovitz
simulations Try this fun asteroid impact simulator and visualize Earth's annihilation David Pescovitz
disasters This website lets you simulate the effects of crater impacts anywhere on Earth Mark Frauenfelder
NASA Impact! The DART mission, humanity's first attempt at redirecting an asteroid, finds its target Gareth Branwyn
space exploration Japanese scientists find water and organic matter on Itokawa asteroid Gareth Branwyn