design Nebraska flag, flying upside down at State Capitol without notice, may get redesign David Pescovitz
law Judge rules elephants can't pursue release from zoo because "an elephant is not a person" Allan Rose Hill
politics Senator from North Carolina a newly minted expert on fighting California wildfires Jason Weisberger
Tom The Dancing Bug Tom the Dancing Bug – The fourth branch of the United States government: Dumbass Billionaires Ruben Bolling
deli slime for sale Boar's Head insects, grime, and "unidentified slime" found in more than one plant, say inspectors Carla Sinclair
weird incidents LA couple terrified after "watermelon-size" ice chunk crashes through roof — JetBlue plays innocent, but FAA disagrees Carla Sinclair
Technology Student says University of Washington has threatened to expel him for a course-trading app he built for class project [UPDATED] Mark Frauenfelder