trumpism Trump's former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley has joined Boeing's Board of Directors Cory Doctorow
racism Trump supporter berates black Lyft driver with racial slurs and calls cops because he wouldn't put the radio on Rob Beschizza
trumpkins Watch these Trump supporters agree that putting shock collars on Mexicans is a great idea Mark Frauenfelder
politics Proud Boys leader complains that jail conditions are appalling and he is right Rob Beschizza
politics Court document refers to U.S. charge against Julian Assange; source says prosecution planned Rob Beschizza
fox news Sean Hannity, while excoriating Obama over housing crisis, quietly snapped up hundreds of foreclosed properties Rob Beschizza
trumpism Reddit's Trumpkins on the Vegas shooting, before and after they learned it was a rich old white man Cory Doctorow
trump Trump's Hamilton tweetstorm: calculated distraction from fraud settlement, or fragile mediocrity? Cory Doctorow
politics Trump reboot: ditch populism, adopt Republican platform, say Clinton is the crazy one Rob Beschizza