corruption UC Davis Chancellor spent $400K+ to scrub her online reputation after pepper-spray incident Cory Doctorow
streisand effect UC Davis paid $175,000 or more to scrub police pepper spray incident from web searches Xeni Jardin
ows Pepper-spraying cop gets Photoshop justice: Xeni's Guardian op-ed on meme-ing of UC Davis police brutality Xeni Jardin
ows "A Pepper Spray Thanksgiving," Norman Rockwell's long-lost Saturday Evening Post cover Xeni Jardin
News Massive rally at UC Davis, some protesters carrying "pepper-spraying cop" meme-signs Xeni Jardin
ows UC Davis chancellor Katehi issues statement on police pepper-spraying of student protesters Xeni Jardin
Action One day after pepper-spraying, UC Davis students silently, peacefully confront Chancellor Katehi Xeni Jardin