Cory Doctorow's new book on beating big tech at its own game

My friend Cory Doctorow —author, digital rights advocate, and Boing Boing alum — refuses to sell his audiobooks through Amazon's Audible because of its mandatory Digital Rights Management (DRM) system, which restricts user choices by locking them into Amazon's platform. Instead, Cory crowdfunds his own DRM-free e-books and audiobooks, which are read by professional narrators like Wil Wheaton. — Read the rest

Kickstart the audiobook for Cory Doctorow's new novel, Red Team Blues

Cory Doctorow just launched a Kickstarter campaign to create a self-produced audiobook of his new book, Red Team Blues. It's a high-tech heist novel — the first in a new trilogy — about a Marty Hench, a middle-aged forensic accountant on the hunt to find his buddy's missing cryptography key before any number of crime syndicates, shady Silicon Valley financiers, or Intelligence Community Alphabet Boys catch on. — Read the rest

Cory Doctorow interviewed about cyberpunk and surveillance capitalism in The New Yorker

Our Boing Boing partner Cory Doctorow—activist and author of Chokepoint Capitalism, Attack Surface, and, of course, Little Brother, among other books—is interviewed in The New Yorker! The freewheeling and informative conversation with Christopher Byrd spans the "mediocre monopolists" of Big Tech, the salience of cyberpunk, the danger of pseudonymity, and his experience of Fingerspitzengefühl for computers. — Read the rest

Cory Doctorow: America's economy is cooked

In times of crisis, governments usually keep the economy afloat by offering financial relief to the people, including wage assistance and debt forgiveness. Not so in the United States, which focuses on bailing out the financial sector so it can continue to lend money to people and drive up consumer debt. — Read the rest

Cory Doctorow describes what's wrong about "Surveillance Capitalism"

Cory Doctorow's new short book, How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism, was just published in its entirety on OneZero. Below is Cory's Twitter thread that summarizes his argument that the problem with surveillance capitalism isn't that it big tech has AI-enhanced power to brainwash people, the problem is that big tech uses its monopoly power in ways that lead to totalitarian control over our lives. — Read the rest

Cory Doctorow experiments with AI writing partner Sudowrite

GPT-3 is a machine-learning trained language model that generates text based on a text prompt. Cory Doctorow has been playing around with a closed-beta implementation of Sudowrite, which he describes as a "GPT3-based text generator for fiction writers. You give it characters, plot summaries, dialogue, or twist endings," and Sudowrite generates one of more paragraphs of text based on that. — Read the rest

New edition of Cory Doctorow's Little Brother/Homeland with intro by Edward Snowden

I loved Cory Doctorow's 2008 novel, Little Brother, and its 2013, sequel Homeland. Today, McMillan released both novels in one book, with a new introduction by Edward Snowden. Here's what Cory had to say about it on his blog Pluralistic:

I wrote Little Brother after the AT&T; whistleblower Mark Klein walked into EFF's Shotwell St offices and revealed that his employer had built a secret NSA listening post inside its Folsom St switching enter.

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