djBC's Muppet mashups

djBC, consistently my favorite mashup producer/creator (he's the guy behind the Beasties/Beatles remix "The Beastles"), has released an entire album of remixes of Muppet music! He sez, "In honor of my daughter's first birthday- and one month late- I'm rolling out 'Muppet Mashup.' — Read the rest

djBC's album of legit mashups: Strictly Mixed and Mashed

djBC, the mashup artist responsible for the amazing, illegal Beasties/Beatles "Beastles" albums, has produced a great albumof authorized mashups, in collaboration with Big D & the Kids Table, called "Strictly Mixed and Mashed." The best work on the CD sounds like vintage Trojan reggae crossed with — well, a djBC mix. — Read the rest

Santastic II: Xmas mashups from djBC and friends

djBC sez, "A kick-ass group of mixers and mashers from the US, England, France, The Netherlands and Sweden has contributed to the second Santastic collection of 23 bizarre and wicked cool X-mashups and remixes. We've even got 2.5 Chanukah bootlegs this year for the all nice little Jewish kids, plus "liner notes" and sample lists from the producers. — Read the rest

HP covers printer's USB port with warning sticker to make sure you don't go right ahead and use it

HP wants you to print things through its cloud service, wherein you pay a subscription fee for ink and your usage is routed through its servers. To encourage you to do this, it covers the USB port on one model with a sticker with a No Smoking-style "No USB" logo on it–lest you simply plug in your printer and start printing things with it before you've endured the hard sell via network setup. — Read the rest

Celebrating the 35th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation with mixed-media meme art

Andrew Wodzianski is a DC-area artist whose work often riffs off of nerdy pop cultural touchstones and ephemera. His pieces make references to comic books, 8-bit video games, monster movies, and tabletop gaming.

To celebrate the 35th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation, September 28, 1987, he created pieces of meme-styled art that draw inspiration from the Star Trek coloring books and ship blueprints of his youth. — Read the rest

Dragoncon mashup mix: 1:15 of nerdy, brilliant, illegal tunes

Mashup demigod djBC writes, "Pimpdaddysupreme (PDS Mix), myself and Jabulani (Bootie Boston)
will be spinning the opening night rave at Dragon Con this year.
Here's a collection of mashups- an online 'mixtape' if you will-
for Dragon Con! Of particular interest to folks are the 'United
States of The Jedi' and 'We No Speak Cantina' tracks, but you might
enjoy the simple pleasures of the Paul Frees voice over from the
Haunted Mansion ride plopped on the instrumental sections of
Bauhaus's 'Bela Lugosi's Dead.'" — Read the rest

Christmas mashups: Santastic 8

dj BC writes, "I just dropped Santastic 8, the 8th annual Holiday mashup album in the series (10th if you count 'Menorah Mashups' and 'Re:Compostition').

This year we offer 14 new Christmas mashups, and one old one which was reissued because it is great and it matches the album cover so well. — Read the rest

This Day in Blogging History: Xmas mashups; Canned libraries; Blogging.LA launches

One year ago today

Santastic 7: more mashups for the holiday season: djBC and friends have put out their seventh Santastic collection of holiday mashups, "It's a Wonderful Mash."

Five years ago today

Canned Libraries: the 1936 version of "universal access to all human knowledge": In this 1936 Modern Mechanix article, a fantasy about shrinking the Library of Congress to fit "in a few small filing cabinets" on microfiche/film. — Read the rest