Supercut of Trump saying coronavirus was fake news, until he suddenly said he knew it was a pandemic all along

Recount assembled Trump's statements about coronavirus — all downplaying it, some calling it an outright hoax — and put them in a nice calendar so you can see the exact point where we were always at war with Eastasia. — Read the rest

Tag yourself on this social distancing D&D alignment chart

My favorite thing about joke D&D alignment charts is that I am always, always Chaotic Good. I just can't avoid my nature, and everybody knows it.

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some friendly dos/donts

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Lawful Good: washing your hands, social distancing, and forwarding your mom's pandemic advice emails to your friends

Neutral Good: taking loong moody walks by yourself at weird hours of the day

Chaotic Good: having a facetime tinder hookup and venmoing your service industry friends what you would have spent at the bar

Lawful Neutral: writing a series of poems/personal essays on what "distance" means to you

True Neutral: putting aside your manuscript to watch all 543 episodes of chopped

Chaotic Neutral: adopting a lizard

Lawful Evil: hoarding hand sanitizer and toilet paper

Neutral Evil: exacerbating panic and yelling at people on the internet

Chaotic Evil: having the privilege and resources to be able to self-isolate and choosing not to because this is America and you feel fine

via Aiden Arata on Instagram

Top  image via Wikimedia Commons / CC 4.0Read the rest

Coral Cross: ARG about pandemic flu

Stuart Candy of the Hawaii Research Center for Futures Studies emailed me about their new alternate reality game, Coral Cross. Commissioned by the Hawaii Department of Health and bankrolled by the Center for Disease Control, the game is about… pandemic flu. — Read the rest

Elegy for Ingenuity, a tiny helicopter

When the Perseverance rover touched down on Mars on February 18, 2021, it was carrying a tiny passenger. Attached to its underside was a helicopter that would attempt something new for a NASA Mars mission: flight. Producing lift isn't an easy task in the thin atmosphere of Mars, but if they could prove it was possible it would open up new possibilities for exploring areas that are hard to reach by traditional rovers.  — Read the rest

Polio survivor Paul Alexander, who spent over 70 years in an iron lung, has died of COVID-19

Science journalist and host of the Pandemia PodcastKai Kupferschmidt, posted today on his X/Twitter that Paul Alexander, who called himself "Polio Paul" on his TikTok account, passed away on March 11, 2024, at the age of 78. 

It's a tragic story—a man who survived one pandemic, polio, and lived over 70 years in an iron lung—didn't survive our current, ongoing pandemic. — Read the rest

Wellness influencers are convincing people to shove coffee up their butts

The latest wellness trend involves sticking coffee up your butt, and who better to report on this phenomenon—which, of course, has been spreading through social media—than the Conspirituality Podcast. We've covered the brilliant work of the Conspirituality Podcast many times here on Boing Boing—I'm a big fan of the show, which has the tagline "Dismantling New Age cults, wellness grifters, and conspiracy-mad yogis," and which defines conspirituality as "a study of converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism."  — Read the rest

Austin's guaranteed basic income pilot program was a hit. A GOP state senator doesn't want it to happen in Houston

A new report from the Urban Institute once again busts tired and false myths and stereotypes about public assistance. The new report presents results from a guaranteed basic income pilot program that was run by the city of Austin, Texas in partnership with non-profit organization UpTogether and ten other community-based partners. — Read the rest