Grab some new gear for your home office during this pre-Black Friday blowout sale

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So far, this decade has been unkind to us. With the world melting into itself as the 2020s explode into a ball of impending doom, the least we can do is practice self-care and work as much as we can from the comfort of our jammies. — Read the rest

Reward yourself for socially distancing yourself at home with these deals on gaming gear

If we've become accustomed to anything in the past 19 months, it's sitting in the house like hermits waiting for whatever it is that dumb people are keeping around finds the exit (looking at you, Delta variant). While you're here, you might as well get some new gaming gear for yourself as a treat for staying socially distant, even if it wasn't by choice (or maybe it was by luxury, since you're hyperaware of how gross humans on the outside are). — Read the rest

This gaming racing wheel is compatible with your smartphone and is on sale for over 15% off

Some games are tough on controllers, even for cutting-edge, next-gen platforms like the Xbox Series X or the PlayStation 5. Those standard joystick-button configurations are fine for first-person shooters, side scrollers, even most game formats around. But going back to the Atari days, regular controllers are mostly lost when it comes to a staple of video gaming: racing games. — Read the rest

The Eve is an at-home hydroponics garden that can fit right in your living room

We'd all love to have a spacious outdoor garden, a glorious place to sit back, relax, and grow a huge variety of amazing flowers, plants, herbs, vegetables, and more. In your fantasy, it's fantastic. Of course, the reality is that you may live in an 8-floor walk-up with barely an outdoor window sill to call your own, let alone a giant swath of soil to cultivate your green thumb. — Read the rest

This Wi-Fi router with a 4-antenna array can blast a signal all over your home

You can have a house packed to the rafters with smart home technology. But if you don't have a quality router poised and ready to handle the load of a modern household, all those tech toys are…well, just that. Toys.

Obviously, spotty Wi-Fi these days is unacceptable, so employing a top-notch piece of equipment like the Xiaomi 4-Antenna Wi-Fi Router can go a long way toward eliminating frustrating coverage issues and keeping peace throughout your household. — Read the rest