hacks Iraqi government turns off electronic billboards after they were hacked to show porn Rob Beschizza
Compare how two U.S. presidents and Trump announced deaths of terrorists in amusing montage Carla Sinclair
protests Protestors storm Iraqi parliament, breaking down walls and cursing Iran (video) Carla Sinclair
News Reported U.S. airstrikes against Iran-backed militias in Iraq coincide with Pompeo tweet about 2019 bombing of U.S. embassy in Baghdad Xeni Jardin
News Trump gives out 20 pardons and commutations to Russia inquiry figures, a Blackwater Guard, fellow corrupt politicians, and more Xeni Jardin
Business Iraq: Chevron evacuates staff from Kurdistan oil site, will Russia's Rosneft benefit? Xeni Jardin
Jimmy Kimmel Live! mashes up Obama's Bin Laden speech with the Trump al-Baghdadi circus Jason Weisberger