Science There's a room-sized time capsule in Georgia that will be opened 6,098 years from now Ellsworth Toohey
utilities Movie Span is a helpful website that allows users to easily see what time their movie will end Popkin
art Psychedelic film from the 1940s, featuring Bing Crosby, used to treat mental disorders David Pescovitz
tabloids China attacks America, and Democrats gun for Biden, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
What Elton John, Brad Pitt and Joe Biden have in common, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
music Charles Manson's deeply dark and twisted interpretation of The Beatles' "White Album" David Pescovitz
music The Flaming Lips cover David Bowie and Bing Crosby's "Peace On Earth/Little Drummer Boy" David Pescovitz
books A luscious tome of family stories and previously unseen photos to celebrate Frank Sinatra's 100th birthday Wink