music It's been forty years since Depeche Mode's "transitional" Construction Time Again Elías Villoro
makers Maker Music Festival, a virtual gathering of musical makers from around the world, May 15-16 Gareth Branwyn
late stage capitalism #29leaks: someone leaked 15 years' worth of data from London's most notorious shell-company factory Cory Doctorow
happy mutants The Canadian government has released the surprisingly sensible results of its extensive, year-long review of copyright law Michael Geist
music Bryan Adams to Canadian parliament: extending the term of copyright enriches labels and other intermediaries, not artists Cory Doctorow
privacy Happy Data Privacy Day! A turning point for anonymity, privacy, and the tools that deliver them Gabriella Coleman
trumpism Puerto Rico, abandoned by Trump and facing disaster capitalism looting by big business, turns to socialist and anarchist collectives to rebuild Cory Doctorow