american history "What the Constitution Means To Me" is a good alternative to doomscrolling that still engages with important issues Thom Dunn
donald trump Trump is constitutionally barred from Presidency, say conservative legal scholars Mark Frauenfelder
books How to read Donald Duck 50 years after the CIA fomented a coup in Chile on September 11, 1973 Elías Villoro
gender Arizona's kick-ass new bisexual Senator took her oath on the US Constitution, administered by cringing, homophobic Dominionist Mike Pence Cory Doctorow
New Jersey judge orders newspaper to "remove a news article." The paper's response is awesome. (UPDATED) Xeni Jardin
New Futility Closet book – hairless trombonists, abusive New Zealanders, vengeful whales and more Mark Frauenfelder
law Judge says it's OK to use your seized phone to impersonate you and entrap your friends Cory Doctorow