good samaritans Arsonist starts new fire in LA — then gets tackled to the ground by neighbors until cops arrive (video) Carla Sinclair
Boing Boing Gadgets Your old keychain just got a 2025 makeover—this one charges your phone and opens bottles Boing Boing's Shop
cover songs The Muppets' version of Bohemian Rhapsody remains one of the best covers of all time Jennifer Sandlin
"nightmare" flights Teen flips out over 10-year-old coughing fit — forces emergency landing on not-so-easy easyJet flight Carla Sinclair
pranks Police and animal control officers discover that dangerous snake loose inside home was something else Allan Rose Hill
Delightful Creatures Can California's carnivorous squirrels be stopped? It is too soon to know. Jason Weisberger