corruption Croatian transparency activists publish enormous database of government procurements, pointing the way to detecting corruption and fraud Cory Doctorow
fox news Is Tucker Carlson a saint? Is Fox News part of the New World Order? Some on the right think so. Jennifer Sandlin
media Right-wing political propaganda posing as local news circulating across country Jennifer Sandlin
politics Research report explains how adtech supercharges political deceit, allowing even bumblers to be master propagandists Cory Doctorow
tabloids National Enquirer succeeds where FBI and White House have failed, finding "Proof Obama Wiretapped Trump!" Peter Sheridan
Business Wirecutter and Sweethome purchased by New York Times in "more than $30 million" deal Xeni Jardin
The Human Use Of Human Beings Techno-social engineering is freaking insiders out Scott Allan Morrison
web theory Crowdfunded news-site uncovers ISIS training camp using online mapping tools Cory Doctorow
happy mutants The Revolution Will Be Digitised: how Cablegate, Facebook, Google and the regulation will shape the future Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Fast Forward 2: original sf from the cutting edge, including "True Names," a novella by Benjamin Rosenbaum and me! Cory Doctorow