artificial intelligence World's first AI auto race demonstrates the technology is not ready (video) Jason Weisberger
california San Francisco sues the California Public Utilities Commission over its decision to allow the expansion of Waymo autonomous vehicles Jennifer Sandlin
Public safety No one has any idea how often Cruise driverless vehicles have hit pedestrians Natalie Dressed
Technology Driverless car in San Francisco almost runs over moms and kids (dashcam video) Mark Frauenfelder
Technology Waymo, facing opposition against expansion in San Francisco, announces Austin as a new market Jennifer Sandlin
self-driving cars There's a feud between self-driving cars and the citizens of Tempe, AZ Jennifer Sandlin
AI AI is like a magic trick: amazing until it goes wrong, then revealed as a cheap and brittle effect Cory Doctorow
Technology Arizona: People are violently attacking driverless cars from Google/Alphabet's Waymo Xeni Jardin
scholarship Distinguished scientist on the mistakes pundits make when they predict the future of AI Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Mercedes' weird "Trolley Problem" announcement continues dumb debate about self-driving cars Cory Doctorow
picks US endorses self-driving cars, with a catch: Feds want to control tech approval, not states Xeni Jardin