Culture Tom Whitwell's annual collection of 52 fascinating facts returns, featuring expensive calculators and trademarked scents Mark Frauenfelder
politics Elon Musk resumes cash payments to voters despite Justice Department warning him it's illegal Rob Beschizza
Oklahoma OK State Superintendent using Libs of TikTok to "hunt down school employees who joked about Trump's ear" Jennifer Sandlin
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Optimize your hell by adding RFK, Jr. to the mix via his online "Real Debate" Jennifer Sandlin
News Popular GOP activist: force "libtarded women" off the road for pregnancy tests Mark Frauenfelder
scotus Supreme Court agrees to consider Trump's claim of immunity from prosecution, delaying his trial Rob Beschizza
conspiracy theory The 2024 Santa Monica Film Festival was chock full of red-pilled conspiracy content Jennifer Sandlin
video games Atari files for trademark on Rogue, a 44-year old game it did not make and does not appear to own Rob Beschizza