unpopular candidates Unsavory JD Vance is "booed" even by the friendly firefighters in Boston (video) Carla Sinclair
civil behavior New Jersey fire chief vandalizes neighbor's rare car with rocks — and it was caught on video Carla Sinclair
safety tips Firefighters demo "safe" turkey fryer — which hilariously bursts into flames (video) Carla Sinclair
unusual crimes Florida woman pretends to be a firefighter after stealing a firetruck, say cops Carla Sinclair
firefighters Firefighters in ice-rescue training class suddenly spotted two teens in need of real-life ice rescuing (video) Carla Sinclair
conspiracy theories A firefighter is fighting conspiracy theories about forest fires on TikTok Thom Dunn
racism Residents call police on black firefighter in uniform for doing his job while black David Pescovitz