gab Gab hacked — 70 GB of passwords, private posts taken, says transparency group DDoSecrets Mark Frauenfelder
News Before Robert Bowers killed 11 in synagogue, on Gab he offered to help a white supremacist hate group dox a journalist Xeni Jardin
tech Alt-right social network Gab down after website, domain registrar and own tech chief abandon it Rob Beschizza
old-fashioned facts Design for Disaster: 63-year-old LAFD film perfectly describes — and warns of — today's Los Angeles fires (video) Carla Sinclair
Science Your brain is much, much, MUCH slower than your Internet connection, new study shows Allan Rose Hill
Boing Boing Gadgets Ding dong the dongles are done once you get a 13-port docking station Boing Boing's Shop
Boing Boing Gadgets A laptop for less than your next dinner out — $70 Chromebooks are here for Cyber Week Boing Boing's Shop
Culture Tom Whitwell's annual collection of 52 fascinating facts returns, featuring expensive calculators and trademarked scents Mark Frauenfelder
accidents Rushing rapids and staircase waterfall inside massively flooded Guitar Center (video) Lux Sparks-Pescovitz
gadgets Mac Mini M4 is now the obvious pick for a brickless mini PC—but there are others Rob Beschizza
elderly candidates "Exhausted" Donald Trump breaks down — cancels yet another event today Carla Sinclair