Boing Boing Gadgets Samsung's Galaxy S 4 is a No-Touch-Touchscreen, Not-Quite-Android Android Phone Rob Pegoraro
Science Spectacular celestial image of a newborn star's dust looks like a 1990s psychedelic rave flier Allan Rose Hill
Games What it was like working with procrastinator Douglas Adams on "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" game Mark Frauenfelder
politics New pick for high-level State Department job: "Competent white men must be in charge if you want things to work." Ellsworth Toohey
Space The studio behind The Last of Us is finally making a new game (and not another remaster) Grant St. Clair
olympics The 1904 Olympics Marathon gold medalist won while hallucinating on rat poison and brandy Ellsworth Toohey
Science Scientists detect most powerful cosmic particles ever found bombarding Earth right now Ellsworth Toohey