dangerous toys Why you can't play on history's most thrilling piece of playground equipment Miss Cellania
nazis Nazis loudly support Kanye's antisemitism. Adidas remains silent about the sponsorship funding it Rob Beschizza
music video Max Headroom had a Christmas song and special and they're both weird as hell Rusty Blazenhoff
foia McKinsey designed ICE's gulags, recommending minimal food, medical care and supervision Cory Doctorow
Boing Boing Gadgets Bossfight: Allstate Insurance enters the Right to Repair fight, loans its lobbyists to fight Apple Cory Doctorow
Business Google shakes its structure up with Alphabet, and Sundar Pichai becomes Google CEO Xeni Jardin
happy mutants Exclusive excerpt: chapter 3 of Mur Lafferty's "Ghost Train to New Orleans" [Urban fantasy] Mur Lafferty