iceland The Museum of Sorcery and Witchcraft tells the story of Iceland's 17th century "witchcraze," complete with "necropants" Jennifer Sandlin
fantasy Peter Bebergal discusses Michael Moorcock's "Elric of Melniboné" on the Appendix N Book Club Gareth Branwyn
occult Touch Me Not, a surreal 18th century manual on how to raise the Devil, and then send him treasure hunting Gareth Branwyn
Copyfight Researchers discover hundreds of thousands of unsuspected, Star Wars-themed twitterbots hiding in plain sight Cory Doctorow
twitter Twitterbot that produces endless entries in an imaginary daemonological grimoire Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Critical Hits: a history of a the battle between gamers and game-designers for nuance in combat systems Cory Doctorow