Boing Boing Gadgets We're being completely normal about this $999 MacBook Pro selling for $350 Boing Boing's Shop
pecking order L'il pup sasses big dog — until even bigger doggo steps in to set things straight (video) Carla Sinclair
public health As avian flu spreads, backyard chicken groups share conspiracy theories Jennifer Sandlin
google Father of 2 young boys loses $5 million after falling for terrifying new Google scam Ellsworth Toohey
Entertainment "Chainsaw Jerry" reveals untold stories from Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie 50 years later Mark Cerulli
Funny See this horse bend its head upside down to scratch an itch, making a funny and unexpected face in the process Popkin
taylor swift Move over, Taylor Swift screaming goat! There's a new ruminant diva in town Jennifer Sandlin
MAGA logic Trump wants to "shoot fake news" reporters for their own good, says his campaign Carla Sinclair
Nature Norwegian architect builds mind-blowing greenhouse home that grows food year-round (video) Popkin