puerto rico According to porn consumption bandwidth, Puerto Rico still suffers from lack of power and internet access Mark Frauenfelder
ice Trump diverts millions from FEMA for ICE detentions, calls Puerto Rico "unsung success" Gina Loukareas
trumpism Puerto Rico, abandoned by Trump and facing disaster capitalism looting by big business, turns to socialist and anarchist collectives to rebuild Cory Doctorow
corruption Source tells WSJ that the FBI is investigating Whitefish Energy and its $300M Puerto Rico contract Cory Doctorow
colonialism Puerto Ricans resist disaster capitalists and "Puertopians" in Hurricane Maria's wake Elías Villoro
elections When Republicans say "How will you pay for Medicare for All?" Democrats should answer: "Mexico will pay for it" Cory Doctorow
racism #Rickyrenuncia: Bowing to popular pressure, Puerto Rican governor Ricardo Rossello has resigned Cory Doctorow
leaks #TelegramGate: leaks show Puerto Rico's appointed officials mocking the dead as hurricanes devastate the island Cory Doctorow
class war The Pinkertons' plan for climate change: a mercenary army that guards one-percenters as the seas rise Cory Doctorow
politics California Fires: Why doesn't cable news cover them as much as East Coast hurricanes? Xeni Jardin
happy mutants Puerto Rico didn't suffer a "natural disaster": it was looted and starved long before the hurricanes Cory Doctorow
class war Puerto Rico is a tax-haven for rich mainlanders and is also too broke to survive hurricanes: are these facts possibly related, somehow? Cory Doctorow
disasters How anarchist organizers in rural Puerto Rico rebooted their power grid after the privatized power company abandoned them Cory Doctorow