illusory truth effect Planting the seeds: Donald Trump asks Mike Johnson if he's "allowed" to run a 3rd term (video) Carla Sinclair
smoking This TV commercial overtly attempts to hypnotize you into buying Spud cigarettes Allan Rose Hill
hypnosis Zapping your brain with magnets makes it easier to hypnotize you, research shows David Pescovitz
forensics Texas police stop using hypnosis because it doesn't work and leads to false convictions David Pescovitz
drugs New documents released about the US government's secret LSD mind-control program Allan Rose Hill
Roadside Attractions The World's Largest Collection of the World's Smallest Versions of the World's Largest Things, and other delights Natalie Dressed
CIA Someone found the missing page from the Gateway Experience and now they're selling it as an NFT Thom Dunn
News Christine Blasey Ford hypnotized by her therapist probably: Jeanine Pirro of Fox News [Video] Xeni Jardin