trump When hosting SNL, Donald Trump 'struggled to read,' says former cast member. Can the President read? Xeni Jardin
late stage capitalism Uber is a "bezzle," doomed to disappoint the suckers who buy into its IPO Cory Doctorow
books Ignoramus watch: Designers really want you to decorate your room by shelving your books backwards Cory Doctorow
happy mutants WEB Du Bois's infographics on black life, from the 1900 Exposition Universelle Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Canada's National Post pretends fair dealing doesn't exist, presents you with bill to copy a single word Cory Doctorow
Bill O'Reilly flunks middle-school math while defending Fox's sleazy hatchet job on the Netherlands Mark Frauenfelder
Business Finance columnist explains capitalism to children: take things without paying, then sell them Cory Doctorow