Business Pepsi is suing four Indian farmers for growing a proprietary "Lays" potato, seeking $150,000 each in damages Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Record label censors copyright lawyers' site by falsely claiming it infringes copyright Cory Doctorow
class war India's e-waste recycling "markets" are toxic nightmares filled with child laborers Cory Doctorow
gender Barefoot Engineers: rural women from Malawi, trained as solar engineers, who are electrifying their remote villages Cory Doctorow
scholarship Study shows that countries that permit Facebook's beloved "zero rating" programs end up with more expensive wireless data Cory Doctorow
law The future of "fake news": Pepsi gets Facebook to censor jokes about plastic in its Kurkure corn puffs Cory Doctorow
elections Ahead of national elections, India's authoritarian ruling party loses a key regional battle Cory Doctorow