last-minute warnings Florida officials give residents dire warning ahead of Milton: "THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE" Carla Sinclair
alternative facts Fox host Maria Bartiromo humiliated when GOP Congressman shuts down her lies (video) Carla Sinclair
trash or treasure? Oops! Museum worker tosses two beer cans in the trash — not realizing it was art Carla Sinclair
politics Actual climate scientists debunk Marjorie Taylor Greene's weather-related conspiracy theories Jennifer Sandlin
Rudy Giuliani's daughter says Trump destroyed her dad beyond repair: "Don't let him take our country too" Carla Sinclair
Boing Boing Gadgets Do you need a reason to get this Chromebook? It's only $60, so why not! Boing Boing's Shop
escapes Woman in Nevada prison for 10-year sentence makes grand escape — by simply walking away Carla Sinclair